- /**
- * CMCD spec version
- */
- export const CMCDVersion = 1;
- /**
- * CMCD Object Type
- */
- export enum CMCDObjectType {
- MANIFEST = 'm',
- AUDIO = 'a',
- VIDEO = 'v',
- MUXED = 'av',
- INIT = 'i',
- CAPTION = 'c',
- TIMED_TEXT = 'tt',
- KEY = 'k',
- OTHER = 'o',
- }
- /**
- * CMCD Streaming Format
- */
- export enum CMCDStreamingFormat {
- DASH = 'd',
- HLS = 'h',
- SMOOTH = 's',
- OTHER = 'o',
- }
- /**
- * CMCD Streaming Type
- */
- export enum CMCDStreamType {
- VOD = 'v',
- LIVE = 'l',
- }
- /**
- * CMCD Headers
- */
- export interface CMCDHeaders {
- 'CMCD-Object': string;
- 'CMCD-Request': string;
- 'CMCD-Session': string;
- 'CMCD-Status': string;
- }
- /**
- * CMCD
- */
- export interface CMCD {
- /////////////////
- // CMCD Object //
- /////////////////
- /**
- * Encoded bitrate
- *
- * The encoded bitrate of the audio or video object being requested. This may not be known precisely by the player; however,
- * it MAY be estimated based upon playlist/manifest declarations. If the playlist declares both peak and average bitrate values,
- * the peak value should be transmitted.
- *
- * Integer kbps
- */
- br?: number;
- /**
- * Object duration
- *
- * The playback duration in milliseconds of the object being requested. If a partial segment is being requested, then this value
- * MUST indicate the playback duration of that part and not that of its parent segment. This value can be an approximation of the
- * estimated duration if the explicit value is not known.
- *
- * Integer milliseconds
- */
- d?: number;
- /**
- * Object type
- *
- * The media type of the current object being requested:
- * - `m` = text file, such as a manifest or playlist
- * - `a` = audio only
- * - `v` = video only
- * - `av` = muxed audio and video
- * - `i` = init segment
- * - `c` = caption or subtitle
- * - `tt` = ISOBMFF timed text track
- * - `k` = cryptographic key, license or certificate.
- * - `o` = other
- *
- * If the object type being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.
- */
- ot?: CMCDObjectType;
- /**
- * Top bitrate
- *
- * The highest bitrate rendition in the manifest or playlist that the client is allowed to play, given current codec, licensing and
- * sizing constraints.
- *
- * Integer Kbps
- */
- tb?: number;
- //////////////////
- // CMCD Request //
- //////////////////
- /**
- * Buffer length
- *
- * The buffer length associated with the media object being requested. This value MUST be rounded to the nearest 100 ms. This key SHOULD only be
- * sent with an object type of ‘a’, ‘v’ or ‘av’.
- *
- * Integer milliseconds
- */
- bl?: number;
- /**
- * Deadline
- *
- * Deadline from the request time until the first sample of this Segment/Object needs to be available in order to not create a buffer underrun or
- * any other playback problems. This value MUST be rounded to the nearest 100ms. For a playback rate of 1, this may be equivalent to the player’s
- * remaining buffer length.
- *
- * Integer milliseconds
- */
- dl?: number;
- /**
- * Measured mtp CMCD throughput
- *
- * The throughput between client and server, as measured by the client and MUST be rounded to the nearest 100 kbps. This value, however derived,
- * SHOULD be the value that the client is using to make its next Adaptive Bitrate switching decision. If the client is connected to multiple
- * servers concurrently, it must take care to report only the throughput measured against the receiving server. If the client has multiple concurrent
- * connections to the server, then the intent is that this value communicates the aggregate throughput the client sees across all those connections.
- *
- * Integer kbps
- */
- mtp?: number;
- /**
- * Next object request
- *
- * Relative path of the next object to be requested. This can be used to trigger pre-fetching by the CDN. This MUST be a path relative to the current
- * request. This string MUST be URLEncoded. The client SHOULD NOT depend upon any pre-fetch action being taken - it is merely a request for such a
- * pre-fetch to take place.
- *
- * String
- */
- nor?: string;
- /**
- * Next range request
- *
- * If the next request will be a partial object request, then this string denotes the byte range to be requested. If the ‘nor’ field is not set, then the
- * object is assumed to match the object currently being requested. The client SHOULD NOT depend upon any pre-fetch action being taken – it is merely a
- * request for such a pre-fetch to take place. Formatting is similar to the HTTP Range header, except that the unit MUST be ‘byte’, the ‘Range:’ prefix is
- * NOT required and specifying multiple ranges is NOT allowed. Valid combinations are:
- *
- * - `"\<range-start\>-"`
- * - `"\<range-start\>-\<range-end\>"`
- * - `"-\<suffix-length\>"`
- *
- * String
- */
- nrr?: string;
- /**
- * Startup
- *
- * Key is included without a value if the object is needed urgently due to startup, seeking or recovery after a buffer-empty event. The media SHOULD not be
- * rendering when this request is made. This key MUST not be sent if it is FALSE.
- *
- * Boolean
- */
- su?: boolean;
- //////////////////
- // CMCD Session //
- //////////////////
- /**
- * Content ID
- *
- * A unique string identifying the current content. Maximum length is 64 characters. This value is consistent across multiple different
- * sessions and devices and is defined and updated at the discretion of the service provider.
- *
- * String
- */
- cid?: string;
- /**
- * Playback rate
- *
- * `1` if real-time, `2` if double speed, `0` if not playing. SHOULD only be sent if not equal to `1`.
- *
- * Decimal
- */
- pr?: number;
- /**
- * Streaming format
- *
- * The streaming format that defines the current request.
- *
- * - `d` = MPEG DASH
- * - `h` = HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
- * - `s` = Smooth Streaming
- * - `o` = other
- *
- * If the streaming format being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.
- */
- sf?: CMCDStreamingFormat;
- /**
- * Session ID
- *
- * A GUID identifying the current playback session. A playback session typically ties together segments belonging to a single media asset.
- * Maximum length is 64 characters. It is RECOMMENDED to conform to the UUID specification.
- *
- * String
- */
- sid?: string;
- /**
- * Stream type
- * - `v` = all segments are available – e.g., VOD
- * - `l` = segments become available over time – e.g., LIVE
- */
- st?: CMCDStreamType;
- /**
- * CMCD version
- *
- * The version of this specification used for interpreting the defined key names and values. If this key is omitted, the client and server MUST
- * interpret the values as being defined by version 1. Client SHOULD omit this field if the version is 1.
- *
- * Integer
- */
- v?: number;
- /////////////////
- // CMCD Status //
- /////////////////
- /**
- * Buffer starvation
- *
- * Key is included without a value if the buffer was starved at some point between the prior request and this object request,
- * resulting in the player being in a rebuffering state and the video or audio playback being stalled. This key MUST NOT be
- * sent if the buffer was not starved since the prior request.
- *
- * If the object type `ot` key is sent along with this key, then the `bs` key refers to the buffer associated with the particular
- * object type. If no object type is communicated, then the buffer state applies to the current session.
- *
- * Boolean
- */
- bs?: boolean;
- /**
- * Requested maximum throughput
- *
- * The requested maximum throughput that the client considers sufficient for delivery of the asset. Values MUST be rounded to the
- * nearest 100kbps. For example, a client would indicate that the current segment, encoded at 2Mbps, is to be delivered at no more
- * than 10Mbps, by using rtp=10000.
- *
- * Note: This can benefit clients by preventing buffer saturation through over-delivery and can also deliver a community benefit
- * through fair-share delivery. The concept is that each client receives the throughput necessary for great performance, but no more.
- * The CDN may not support the rtp feature.
- *
- * Integer kbps
- */
- rtp?: number;
- }